Gravity | 2 Week Shipping | Lower Cost

Roach Conveyors is excited to announce that all gravity conveyors and accessories have new reduced pricing. Take advantage of the new 2 week lead time on all gravity conveyors and accessories. FASTER DELIVERY & LOWER PRICING! Contact your sales rep for details. Explore Gravity Conveyors

Zinc Plated Parts are Headed Your Way!

Have you heard? Zinc plated parts are headed your way. Roach Conveyors is in the beginning phase of transitioning some of our smaller parts from painted to zinc plated. Some smaller zinc plated parts have already made their way into production, while others will begin progressing forward over the next few weeks. These parts include: […]

796 | Motor Driven Zone Accumulator

Introducing the new 796 MDZ. High Torque at Low Speed! Featuring the new reliable & rugged UniDrive motor system. • Zero Pressure Accumulation. • 300,000= Hour Bearing Life. • Direct Drive Brushless Motor. • Almost Silent Operation. • Externally Mounted. • Simple to Service. • Cost Effective The 796 MDZ utilizes the UniDrive pancake motor […]